Art Therapy Meditation Group [On hold during covid due to lack of space]
Looking for a bit of me time? The 3rd Wednesday of the month is art therapy meditation night at Highlands Holistic in Mittagong. Spend an hour and a half being guided through a relaxing meditation that will also help you tune into your unconscious, followed by creating a simple artwork that helps you reach a better understanding of what’s going on in your life. Don’t worry about the word “artwork”, it’s not meant to be a masterpiece, and it can be as simple as a scribble (journalling is also an option).
When: 3rd Wednesday each month, excluding December and January, at 7:00pm.
Fee: $15
Please bring an A3 or A4 art journal, and your own materials if you have them, our art materials are also available for you to use.
Please ensure you book by using the contact page, texting 0438 400 446 or emailing linda@highlandsholistic.com.au, as space is limited to give everyone a chance to participate.